BLOOD - Light Microscopy

Erythrocytes - Platelets

Erythrocytes and platelets as they appear in blood smears stained with Giemsa.

Neutrophil - Erythrocytes

.. .  Images from blood smears revealing the characteristic  polymorphic aspect from the neutrophil nucleus.

Eosinophil  - Erythrocytes - Platelets

Blood smears showing the bilobed nucleus and eosinophilic granules from eosinophil leukocyte.

Basophil  - Erythrocytes - Platelets
Image showing 2 basophils. Both the nuclei and specific granules are stained in purple.

Lymphocyte - Erythrocytes - Platelets

Blood smear showing a lymphocyte between erythrocytes and platelets.

Monocytes - Erythrocytes - Platelets

Blood smears with a monocyte, which is bigger than the surrounding erythrocytes.

Image showing in the same time a monocyte and a lymphocyte. Despite the resemblance, it is possible to see that the lymphocyte is a smaller cell with the nucleus occupying almost all the intracellular space, and the monocyte, on the other hand, is a bigger cell with a reniform nucleus .

ATLAS - INDEXHP - TissuesHP - Blood