Essentials of Histology 

    Muscular tissue is responsible for locomotion and for the movements of the various parts of the body. This function is assumed by specialized cells called muscle fibers, which contract upon appropriate stimulation. This system has the ability to transform chemical into mechanical energy through the enzymatic splitting of ATP. In the vertebrate body, there are three types of muscle based on the appearance and location of their constituent cells: smooth, skeletal and cardiac. All three types are composed of asymmetric cells, or fibers, with the long axis arranged in the direction of movement.

    Mature smooth fibers are spindle-shaped cells, with a single central ovoid nucleus. The smooth muscle has mesenchymal origin and is also referred to as involuntary muscle and is found in the walls of hollow viscera, walls of blood vessels, large ducts of compound glands, respiratory passages, and small bundles within the dermis. The sarcoplasm at the nuclear poles contain abundant mitochondria, some RER, a large Golgi complex and inclusions such as glycogen. Each fiber produces its own external lamina, consisting of proteoglycan-rich material and type III collagen fibers. Additionally, an extensive array of interweaving thin and thick filaments are present. The thin filaments are composed of actin (with its associated tropomyosin but with the notable absense of troponin) and are anchored by ?-actinin dense bodies associated with the plasma membrane, whereas the thick filaments are composed of myosin. The filaments run mostly parallel to the long axis of smooth muscle fibers, but they overlap to various degrees and attach to one another by fusing their endomysial sheaths. The sheaths are interrupted by many gap junctions, which transmit the ionic currents that initiate contraction. The ratio of thin to thick filaments in smooth muscle is about 12:1. Lying just beneath the cell membrane are structures that  may be associated with the sparse sarcoplasmic reticulum, known as caveolae. These vesicles may function in the release and sequestering of calcium ions.
    The mechanism of smooth muscle contraction is a modification of the sliding-filament mechanism. At the beginning of the contraction, the myosin filaments appear and the actin filaments are pulled toward and between them. The sliding actin filaments pull the attached dense bodies closer together, shortening the cell. Individual muscle fibers may undergo partial peristaltic contractions. During relaxation, the myosin filaments decrease in number, desintegrating into soluble cytoplasmatic components. The smooth muscle fibers are capable of spontaneous contraction that may be modulated by autonomic innervation. Both sympathetic and parasympathetic endings are present and exert antagonistic effects. In some organs, contractile activity is enhanced by cholinergic nerves and decreased by adrenergic nerves, whereas in others the opposite occurs.

    The unit of skeletal muscle is the fiber, a long cylindrical multinucleate cell, unbranched, of mesenchymal origin. The flattened, peripheral nuclei lie just under the sarcolemma; most of the organelles and sarcoplasm are near the poles of the nuclei. The sarcoplasm contains many mitochondria, glycogen granules, and an oxygen-binding protein called myoglobin. Mature fibers cannot divide. Skeletal muscles present besides the fibers, supporting connective tissue that is organized into epimysial, perimysial and endomysial sheats. The connective tissue transmit the pull of contractions, convey nerve fibers, blood vessels, and lymphatics, and nourish the muscle fibers through diffusion.
    With the light microscope, skeletal muscle exhibits alternating light and dark staining bands running perpendicular to the long axis of the muscle fibers. The dark bands are known as A bands (anisotropic with polarized light) and the light bands as I bands (isotropic with polarized light). The center of each A band is occupied by a pale area, the H band, which is bisected by a thin M line. Each I band is bisected by a thin dark line, the Z line. The region of the myofibril between two sucessive Z lines, known as a sarcomere, is 2,5 ?m in length and is considered to be the contactile unit of skeletal muscle fibers.
    At the electron microscope level the sarcolemma is continued within the skeletal muscle fiber as numerous T tubules (transverse tubules), long, tubular invaginations that intertwine among the myofibrils. T tubules pass transversely across the fiber and lie specifically in the plane of the junction of the A and I bands in mammalian skeletal muscle. These tubules branch and anastomose but usually remain in a single plane. Hense each sarcomere possesses two sets of T tubules. Associated with this system of T tubules is the sarcoplasmic reticulum, which is maintained in close register with the A and I bands as well as with the T tubules. This structure stores intracellular calcium and forms a meshwork around each myofibril and displays dilated terminal cisternae at each A-I junction. Thus two of these cisternae are always in close opposition to a T tubule, forming a triad in which a T tubule is flanked by two cisternae. The organization of skeletal muscle fiber shows longitudinal contractile filaments (myofilaments) that are of two distinct types. The thin filaments, contain actin, together with troponin and tropomyosin, which are both proteins that mediate the regulation of contraction by Ca2+ ions. The major component of thin filament is filamentous F-actin, a polymer of globular G-actin. Each thin filament contains 2 of F-actin strands wound in a double helix. Tropomyosin is a long, thin, double-helical polypeptide that wraps around the actin double helix, lies in the grooves on its surface, and spans 7 G-actin monomers. Troponin is a complex of 3 globular proteins: TnT (troponin T) attaches each complexes to a specific site on each tropomyosin molecule; TnC binds calcium ions and TnI inhibits the interaction between thin and thick filaments. The thick filaments, contain myosin. A myosin molecule is a long, golf-club-shaped polypeptide. When treated with papain (a proteolytic enzyme) the myosin molecule is cleaved into 2 pieces at a point near the head. The piece containing most of the thin shaft is termed light meromyosin; the head and associated section of the shaft make up heavy meromyosin. The head portion of heavy meromyosin has na ATP-binding site and na actin-binding site, both necessary for contraction.
    The mechanism of contraction, according to the sliding-filament hypothesis, is initiated when the nerve impulse is carried along the axon of the motor neuron by the arrival of the nerve impulse and consequent depolarization of the presynaptic membrane, causing fusion of the synaptic vesicles with the presynaptic membrane and exocitosis of acetylcholine into the synaptic cleft. Acetylcholine binds to receptors in the postsynaptic membrane, causing depolarization of the sarcolemma, of the T tubules, and of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. These events causes releasing of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum into the sarcoplasm surrounding the myofibrils. Ca2+ binds to the TnC subunit of troponin altering its conformation. Conformational change in troponin shifts the position of tropomyosin deeper into the groove, unmasking the active site on the actin molecule. ATP present in the myosin head is hydrolyzed in ADP and Pi. Pi is released, resulting not only in an increased bond strength between the actin and myosin but also in a conformational alteration of the myosin head. ADP is also released, and the thin filament is dragged toward the center of the sarcomere (power stroke). A new ATP molecule binds to the myosin head, which causes the release of the bond between actin and myosin.

    Heart muscle is found only in the walls of the embryonic heart tube and adult heart  and is derived from a strictly defined mass of splanchnic mesenchyme. The fibers are long, branched cells with one or two ovoid central nuclei. The sarcoplasm near the nuclear poles contains many mitochondria that lie in chains between myofilaments and glycogen granules. The arrangement of myofilaments yields striations like those of skeletal muscle. The sarcoplasmic reticulum in cardiac muscle is less organized than that of skeletal muscle. Cardiac T tubules occur at the Z line. In most cells, cardiac T tubules associate with a single expanded cisterna of the sarcoplasmic reticulum forming dyads instead triads. Cardiac muscle cells form highly specialized end-to-end junctions, referred to as intercalated disks. With electron microscopy, intercalated disks exhibit 3 major components arranged in a stepwise fashion: 1) The fascia adherens, that is a half Z line found in the vertical (transverse) portion of the step. Its ?-actinin anchors the thin filaments of the terminal sarcomeres; 2) The macula adherens (desmosome) prevents detachment of the cardiac muscle fibers from one another during contraction; 3) The gap junctions that form the horizontal (lateral) portion of the step. They provide electrotonic coupling between adjacent cardiac muscle fibers and pass the stimulus for contraction from cell to cell.
    There are two types of cardiac muscle fibers. The atrial cardiac muscle fibers are small and have fewer T tubules than ventricular cells. They contain small granules with a precursor of atrial natriuretic factor, a hormone secreted in response to increased blood volume and acts on the kidneys to cause sodium and water loss. The ventricular cardiac muscle fibers are larger cells with more T tubules and no granules.
    Cardiac muscle fibers contract spontaneously with an intrinsic rhythm. The heart receives autonomic innervation through axons that terminate near, but never form synapses with cardiac muscle cells. The autonomic stimulus cannot initiate contraction but can speed up or slow down the intrinsic beat. The initiating stimulus for contraction is normally provided by a collection of specialized cardiac muscle cells in the sinoatrial node; it is delivered by other specialized cells called Purkinje fibers to the other cardiac muscle cells. The stimulus is passed between adjacent cells through the gap junctions that establish an ionic continuity among cardiac muscle fibers that allows them to work together as a functional syncytium.

ATLAS - INDEXHP - SystemsHP - Tecido Muscular