MUSCLE - Electron Microscopy

Transmission Electron Microscopy

Cardiac Muscle

Central Nuclei

  ..Cardiac muscle in cross section

Muscle fibers in longitudinal section

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Detail from the striated cardiac fibers in longitudinal section, revealing the sarcomere organization.

Muscle fibers in cross section

..Detail from both actin and myosin organization, seen in cross section.

Intercalated discs

   Image showing the connection point between the 2 cardiac fibers, structure known as intercalated disc, rich in desmosomes.

Skeletal Muscle

Peripheral Nuclei

.. ..Several images showing the peripheral nuclei from the skeletal muscle fibers.

Muscle fibers in longitudinal section and triads

.. ...Different images from the sarcomere in the skeletal muscle and the presence of triads between the fibrils.

Motor end plate

.. ...Myoneural junction, where it is possible to see the axon terminal filled with synaptic vesicles.

Smooth Muscle

.. ..Smooth muscle fibers in different magnifications, where it is visible the central nucleus and the absence of sarcomeric structure.

ATLAS - INDEXHP - TissuesHP - Tecido Muscular