Cell - Electron Microscopy

Cells and organelles

Unmyelinated nerve fibers surrounded by one layer of myelin from the Schwann cell.

Inner aspect of a cell showing a nucleus, Golgi complex and a centrioles. 

Myelin sheath originated by a multilayered spiral wrapping of Schwann cell membrane

Mitochondria and synaptic vesicles in a axonal termination. 

.. Lymphocyte adhered to a endothelial cell wall.

Specializations of the apical surface


Transmission Electron Microscopy

.. Image showing the apical aspect from ciliated columnar tracheal cells.

Scanning Electron Microscopy

Image showing the cilia and microvilli from the trachea epithelium.


Scanning Electron Microscopy
Scanning electron microscopy aspect from the brush border in the intestinal epithelium. 

Transmission Electron Microscopy

...Microvilli in the apical surface from the intestinal cells.

Specializations from the lateral membrane - Cells junctions

Junctional Complex

Junctional complex between two adjacent intestinal cells.

Tight Junction

Tight junction between two endothelial cells from a capillary. This image also show the basal lamina and pinocytic vesicles.

Adhesion Junctions and Desmosome

Adhesion junctions and desmosomes from the intercalated disc in the cardiac muscle.

.. Desmosome in the epidermis.

Specializations from the basal membrane


...Hemidesmosomes ancoring the keratinocytes from the skin to the underlying basal laminal.

Branches and convolutions from the basal membrane

Branches in the basal membrane from the kidney convoluted tubule cell.