Essentials of Histology 
       Life on Earth may have emerged from an ancestor cell more than 3 billion years ago. Through evolutionary processes this cell gave rise to thousands of different types of others cells, that together, changed all the environment. Changes in the water, soil and atmosphere took place and made Earth a suitable place to live in. Approximately 1.5 billion years ago, a very important event came about: the very simple cells that once have changed all the surrounding - the procaryotic cells, such as bacteria - turned through different kinds of processes into more complexes cells, with several internal structures - the eucaryotic cells- that now are the constituents of higher animals and plants.
     Bacteria are the simplest organisms found in nature. They are spherical or rod-shaped and their size varies from 1 to several micrometers in linear dimension. They possess a protective coat called cell wall, beneath which a plasma membrane encloses a cytoplasm compartment containing DNA, RNA, proteins and small molecules. The bacterial genetic material is not surrounded by membranes, like in the eucaryotic cells. Besides, the procaryotic cells do not have membrane bounded organelles.
     The Plasma Membrane is the responsible by the delimitation of the boundaries of each cell, helping in the maintenance of its individuality and allowing its communication with neighboring cells. This last characteristic is very important to the support of systems and tissues of animal and higher plants. It is composed mainly by amphipatic phospholipids and proteins.
     The eucaryotic cells, in contrast with the procaryotics, present a nucleus (caryon in Greek), which contains most of the cell's DNA, enclosed by a double layer of membrane. This membrane contains pores (pore complex) that allow the selective communication through the nucleous and the cytoplasm.
    The cytoplams (or cytosol) is where most of the cell's metabolic processes occur. In the cytoplasm of eucaryotic cells one may find several organelles that realize specific functions. And to do that, they count on different chemical composition and enzymes.
    The mithocondrion and the chloroplast are delimited by a double layer of membrane. The mithocondrion is found in most of the eucaryotic cells and is the responsible for the oxidation of small molecules and the subsequent energy production in the form of ATP. The chloroplast is found only in eucaryotic organisms capable of photosynthesis, that is, it is not found in fungus and animals.
    The cytoplasm of eucaryotic cells has a complex system of membranes, that will constitute others organelles. The Endoplasmic Reticullum, for example, is a membrane bounded organelle where occurs the protein and lipids synthesis. The Rough Endoplasmic Reticullum (RER) presents as a collection of flatted vesicles with ribosomes adhered in its surface, responsible for the protein synthesis. The Smooth Endoplasmic Reticullum, is tubular and does not presents ribosomes. It is involved in the synthesis and metabolism of lipids. The Golgi Coplex or Golgi Apparatus is formed by a system of stacked, membrane bounded vesicles, which participate in the  modification and transport of molecules. Others membrane bounded organelles, are the lysosomes, responsible for the intracellular digestion and the peroxisomes and glyoxisomes, responsible for the metabolism of hydrogen peroxide. The membranes present specific characteristics depending on the kind of organelle they will bound. They still can form small vesicles and huge vacuoles, such as those found in plant cells.
    The plant cells present a thick cell wall, surrounding a plasma membrane.  The cell wall is composed by cellulose and polysaccharides and is completely different of bacterial cell wall.
    To constitute a complex organism such ours, with systems and organs completely different, the cells underwent differentiation, to say, they had to adapt to different functions. For example, the plasma membrane of the renal epithelium presents different characteristics from the membrane of cells of the nervous system. Not only the plasma membrane, but all the organelles work in different ways depending on which cell and tissue they are.